Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 13

    Last night we stayed in a little town called Fairley, It was in the middle of the great Mackenzie plains.  Now this Mackenzie dude was something else.  He came to New Zealand as a slave and then after his seven years were up he was a free man.  He went on to find the inland route throught the south Alps.  He was given land in the plains, but he had to stock it with sheep.  So he stold 1000 sheep from the richest man around.  He was caught and spent time on a road gang,  after escaping several times and puting in his time,  He was paroled.  He got on a ship and left for parts unknown,  but the whole southeren part of the centre of the island is named after him.

This is a bronze of him and his dog in the town square.

this is Jackpot.  A little kitten that found us at a rest stop, were Mom and I stoped for lunch. We tryed to make a getaway but he managed to get in the car before we got away.  He is now sleeping in the laundry room at Vivian's.  We have to find him a home but friday, or he comes home with us.  Watch out Hector.......

Does anyone want a kitten?

1 comment:

  1. I think Jackpot is sweet and brave to just jump into the car!I wish I could take him!
