Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day nine

    Another glororious day come to an end. We are sitting on the veranda, in front of our log cabin at the beach. With a glass of wine and listening to the waves crash on the beach a short distance away.
Our day started in Wiapara, We got packed up and left Dick and Vivian's place around 9 am. I'm sure they did a little happy dance as we drove down the road. We stoped for out dailey scone and tea as a place called Springs juction.
    I only got up to 100 kpm twice in the whole days drive across the south island. The roads were never straight more that 200 meters at a time. You just can't speed here.
We went south after lunch out of Greymouth, and went across the most scary bridge that I have ever seen, It was a one lane bridge that you also had to share with a train, the little car that we have keep falling into the rail track lines, Thank god it was only 300 meters long.
     After we got checked in we went down to the beach and had a good walk, Mom got up close and personal with the Tasman Sea. As we were looking at some rocks that were covered with mussles a big wave came in and said hello.
after we had supper we went back to the beach and watched the sun go down.

This morning we were told of a tsunami warning coming this way,  It is suppose to hit the other coast.  We are safe and heading inland, so don't worry.  All is well here.  sorry for no pics....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great time. We just got caught up on your week this morning. Look forward to your next weeks adventures. Pictures are beautiful. Have a fun week.
