Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day Eight

The temperature has dropped from 37 on the day we arrive, down to a wopping 25 today,  It rained most of the night. 

we started out the day at Torlesse Winery.  The Wiapara area is trying to reintroduce native plants back into the area.  They have a great start on the little gully behind the Winery.

The wine is really good as well....

This is the Catherdrel in downtown Christchurch.  It's a very old and beautiful area.  There is a Royal Flower shop starting this weekend so all the tents and fences were going up.  We had lunch around the old Univercity of Cantebury.  They have turned it into the arts centre with lots of local artist having studios there.

We then walked thought the botanical gardens. It was so beautiful.  Some of the trees were hundreds of years old and huge.  I mean really biggggg.....  We crossed over the Avon river and saw some people boating.  What a great way to spend the day.

This begonia was the size of a soft ball.  That was the small ones in there.  I have never seen so many begonias oin one place before, Just hundereds of them.  After the gardens we stoped and had a beer and saw a small part of the curling.  We got the rental car and drove back to Vivian's.  It's a little strang to be driving on the wrong side of the road,  But when in Rome....
I hope to be off early tomarrow,  I would like to be on the other side of the island by lunch.  We will see...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures! I am enjoying your updates and am glad the temp has gone down a bit and that your mom's feet are better too!
